Some of the best recipes we enjoy making. Enjoy some amazing items we found to make some amazing foods and enjoy cooking like we do. Get into something new!

Our Family Videos

We are working hard to bring you good content. Sharing our Glass Family Business, Cooking Videos and Family Pets to sharing our Life Stories. Enjoy our videos and and hope you can learn and grow from any of our shares. We share some family fun, our pets, cooking and family business.

Check out our new stores. Unique T-shirts and our New Store with fun and products you will love. Experiences, Recipes, fun things, some DIYs we find, foods, fun and more. Normal family doing normal things.


So after going through some tough times in our lives. I decided it was time to share and open myself to the good things that life does have to offer. Sometimes I am tired and exhausted and want to just throw in the towel. I work two full time jobs. I help my amazing husband run his glass business and also work for a tech company going on 20 years with the company. That’s right, 20 years and in order for me to keep my sanity, decided to share our story and also share with you amazing recipes and have some fun.

Shop for products we love

The reason I started the website is to have fun and share stuff with the world. Sharing videos, recipes and enjoying life a bit more is just a great way to distract ourselves a little from the stresses life can bring. This will help us focus on the good share some of the pains but show that there are is solid good things to enjoy. Our website is to help share information about products and items we buy, that are awesome or suck. Share food and recipes that we enjoy, shop some cool stuff we find and enjoy some family recipes. Share stories of traumas and good times.

Perhaps share some great fun and family fun that we do to help you get some ideas. Sometimes we just get stuck in a rut and we need to change things up a bit. This is what we are doing. Trying to change things up a bit. We enjoy shopping and love to try out new stuff. We love exploring new things and open to making changes. We don’t want to stay in our comfort zone – that way sucks. We want to share our family journey as to stuff we make, buy stuff, make stuff and explore stuff. We are trying to make life better and enjoy the rest of the journey of this thing called life.